Wednesday, 2 July 2014

My Last Post For My Brother

first poem, part of this is contained in "My Last Post for My Brother"

as is on YouTube with some the history on screen:
free download available on SoundCloud:

    Original poem in Afrikaans came almost two years after my brother was shot death.
I was tormented, lost, I even had hate in me for the murderer, thought to visit the area, find him and kill him. Until one afternoon as I was preparing to write some articles for my column at the newspaper I worked for. I already had paper in the typewriter and as I was about to begin typing, this flood washed over me, bringing the truth of what a murderer is, showing me the actual face.
    I knew that my Brother would have wanted me to have peace, he knew the truth of what was happening - he had full understanding and empathy.

    For many years I never wanted to hear the last signal ever again.... I hated the sound of screaming brass, as I'd call trumpets, bugles and such. While I was composing the original theme of "Bloedoffer aan Wraak, the last signal kept coming in, it almost killed me so painful it was. Until July last year, some days before that terrible terrible cold Winter night of 7 July 1990 when my Brother died in the first hour at Nyanga, Cape flats, South Africa.
    I got onto my computer and began putting the sounds together, and allowed the last Signal.
BLOEDOFFER AAN WRAAK (English following)

Hartseer rus in die oë

van ‘n refleksie

waarna ek staar

wanneer woedemonsters gaan lê

en verslaentheid kan nie sê

wie gaan almal na dese vrede hê.?

My hart ween met seer:

o my broer moes ook boet

vir die skynbeeld se bedrog.

en baie ander slaap nog,

onwetend van Magog

Magte speel in drome roulette

en dromer wen ‘n bose spel

wat vir hom reg en goed lyk.

Die illusie versterk

en sin beswyk

terwyl sy ware beeld ook verder wyk.

‘n Skynbeeld wat die dromer bedrieg

wie antwoorde soek en antwoorde kry

van iets wat nie bestaan,

en elkeen stort sy traan

wanneer die skynbeeld wel weggaan.

Die dolle gejaag

in ‘n rigting wat verwyderd is

van die doel waarna menswees eintlik wil.

Hy trap skeef

en hy gil

uit teen magte wat hom kul.

Die vrede-waters spoel,

maar spoel verniet.

Siele rus nie,

antwoorde is weg,

van die mens afgeneem

en hy is heeltemal vervreemd

van die waarheid sisteem.

Leeg van vrede en vol van haat

het bose mag hom nou geskep

en die siel gaan verloor.

O mens, jy moet my kreet hoor

voordat jy nog verder verloor.

Eens het ek ook gedroom –

die spel gewen goed en reg

met «tasbare» illusie klaar soos kristal.

Maar wakker word was wreed en mal!

Bloed vloei uit my oë toe skote knal.

Nooit sal ek vrede verloën

en met bloed vir bloed

vrees skep,

en daarmee magte dien

wat dood bring.


Sadness rests in the eyes

of a reflection at which I stare

when anger monsters go down.

And defeat

has no words,

who may still have peace after it has passed?

My heart cries out pain,

my Brother paid his blood

for this phantom’s fraud.

and many are still sleeping

unaware of Magog

Powers play in dreams roulette

and dreamer wins an evil war

which seems true and great.

The illusion strengthens

and sense fails

while the true vision also fades.

A phantom that cheats the dreamer

who searches answers

and finds answers

of that which does not exist,

and each shed a tear when the phantom disappears

The mad race follows a course

away from the purpose

which mankind wants.

He stumbles

and curses

the powers that rule him.

Waters of peace wash

but all in vain.

Souls are troubled,

no answer can be found

it has been taken from man

and he is left in the dark,

away from the light of truth.

Empty of peace and full of hatred

evil forces made him now

and the soul will loose.

Mankind, hear my call

before you loose it all

I also dreamed

That I’ll win a fair game

realistic, an illusion as clear as crystal.

Waking up was a horror that threw me down

Blood flowed from my eyes at the bullet’s sound.

I shall not betray peace,

draw blood for blood

and create fear

and serve forces

that bring death.

Dawn Els (AUTHOR)

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