Saturday, 3 January 2015

Spirit of the Child

From Petals Vol. 1 (Symphony 2, 5th Movement)

Strolling on singing a song
the strange old road became a happy one.
My spirits and I would never cry,
the strangeness was gone.

The messenger perched on my shoulder…

Oh, I have to listen, I am curious
and suddenly I know this is serious.
Then I hear a familiar voice, one I knew from long ago.
Part of my own spirit which I didn’t want to know.

But seeing her again I don’t regret,
and she tells me the things I rather wanted to forget.

Then she speaks the truth which I know and I have to let go of all the fears I had.

She is not scared and has never been and then her story begins to play and from a distance my soul refrains…

Do you remember that day
- I remember that day
When you were all alone and scared
- I was so afraid that day

But then that great wonder happened
– that was a great wonder
when the trees began to sway and the birds sang with a different voice
- the trees looked alive and strong with all the beautiful birdsong
and you cried out to them…
- Oh, how I cried!

I begin to cry and cry out to the memory I had, which came to me again not even so long ago and the other voices come back, the glorious voices I heard very long, long ago.

(Yet when I heard them earlier, I didn’t recognize the role they played all my life)

I sing the memory I had as child with this strong part of my spirit and even though she becomes saddened, I become stronger and comfort her. As I comfort her with all the spirits around us, she cries the painful memory I had when I was a lost little child…

I try to comfort her, yet I begin to cry with her our song of desolation. Then the heavenly trumpets sound and the Angelic voices sing the lullaby of comfort and hope.

Through my tears I behold and see my spirit becoming happy, the spirit of the child finding comfort.

….then I find comfort as I drift into the bliss of this great wonder.

And as the Angels go along, the skies fill with song.

Suddenly I can hear it all.

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